Beer Review #12: Goose Island Bourbon County Stout

Menu description: Strong bourbon, hint of caramel, smooth sweetness.

ABV: 15%

My thoughts: Holy balls, 15%! That’s shenanigans! Son of a bitch even smells like bourbon! OMG it tastes like bourbon! WTF I think I just got drunk from the first sip. Despite the fact that it apparently doesn’t want me to have a liver, it’s quite good. It’s kind of thick, but the flavor is unbelievable. It is way strong though. I feel like this is what hard liquor would taste like if it was beer. In all seriousness, this is a really good beer. Apparently on Beer Advocate it has a perfect score. I can see why! It’s super smooth and very flavorful. It’s almost got a sort of sweet/tart thing going. It’s pricey @ 15/glass, but worth every penny.

Number of times I’ve had it: 4

Rating: 5/5

Croxley’s Ale House
Farmingdale, NY

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Posted by on December 23, 2013 in Beer


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Beer Review #11: Spoetzl Shiner Holiday Cheer

Menu description: Nice sweet malts, strong flavors of cherries and peaches.

ABV: 5.4%

My thoughts: Don’t smell this beer. Seriously, you won’t enjoy it. It’s very odd. Fortunately, the taste more than makes up for it. If you like cherries, you’re gonna like this. It’s a lightly sweet flavor with just a tiny bit of bitter at the end. This is the kind of beer I’d totally serve at a holiday party.

Also, I made it snow in the picture of the beer.

Number of times I’ve had it: 1

Rating: 3/5

Croxley’s Ale House
Farmingdale, NY

1 Comment

Posted by on December 16, 2013 in Beer


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Beer Review #10: Troegs Mad Elf

I finished my night off with this fine beer. I first had it last November and it really caught my attention. Earlier in the year I had tried Sam Adams Double Chocolate Cherry, a beer that I can only describe as transcendent. Since then, I was looking for a beer with a similar cherry or chocolate flavor. This beer really nailed the cherry flavor.

Menu description: Cherry notes, brown sugar, mix of sweet spices.

ABV: 11%

My thoughts: A Belgian strong dark ale. This is quite good! It’s got a strong cherry taste and the spices really add to the character of the beer. It’s got an aroma reminiscent of bananas, oddly enough. It doesn’t taste like it’s a strong beer, which can be dangerous. Simply delightful!

Number of times I’ve had it: I’ve tried this on 3 separate occasions, most recently tonight, and it’s fantastic each time. This definitely gets a recommendation from me.

Rating: 4/5

Croxley’s Ale House
Farmingdale, NY

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Posted by on December 10, 2013 in Beer


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Beer Review #9: 2013 Anchor Christmas Ale

Update: Yeah, so this experiment in real time writing while drinking didn’t really go anywhere. I think I did this for maybe 2-3 weeks before calling it quits. Keeping notes in Evernote and fighting the WordPress app to update the website without posting enormous versions of the pictures and trying to actually hang out with my friends was just a bit too much to juggle at once.

Yes, yes, I know it’s been forever. Why has it been forever? I’m fucking lazy, that’s why! On with the show!

So I’ve decided that on Mondays I’m gonna update this shit real time as I drink these beers. Unfortunately, this Monday all the beers are repeats from last week, so my thoughts are all from last week, but you haven’t seen them so you wouldn’t know anyway!

Menu description: Robust malt & spice flavors, great winter ale.

ABV: 5.5%

My thoughts: This is a very good beer. Malty goodness, which is hilarious for me to say because I’m typically not a big fan of malt flavors, as regular readers would know. Assuming I even have regular readers anymore. Or had them in the first place. Uh, so anyway, this beer is dark as night and smells pretty good. It’s very smooth and easy to drink. Not too strong, so you can have several. Highly recommended.

This is my 2nd glass now, and it’s even better than the first. Christmas seasonal beers are my 2nd favorite type of beer, after fall seasonals. They’re just so full of warm and fuzzy goodness. I don’t know how such a thing is possible and able to be shoved into a bottle, but there it is.

Number of times I’ve had it: 3

Rating: 4/5

Croxley’s Ale House
Farmingdale, NY

2013 Anchor Christmas Ale
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Posted by on December 9, 2013 in Beer


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Beer Review #8: Gulden Draak

So I got diseased but good! I’ve been sick since a couple of days after my last post and have subsequently been cursing every single person I’ve come into close proximity to due to the fact that they are all filthy, disease addled hobos and have spread their pestilence to me. Now that I’m finally better and can think straight, its time to once again get back to the beer reviews. Today’s selection is Gulden Drak, a beer that might be made from distilled rainbows.

The beer menu at Croxley’s states that its a Belgian beer made with banana, brown sugar, caramel, and is lightly spiced. If that sounds pretty awesome to you, that’s because it is. It is SO AWESOME. I’d tell you more about what the beer is made with, or how they make it, or anything else, but all I can tell from the Google translated site of the Dutch brewer is that the beer was named after a dragon on top of a church and it goes on about Irish coffee and some kind of battle or some such. I don’t know, Google translate made a mess of it and I can’t read Dutch, so you’re pretty much on your own here.

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Posted by on January 26, 2013 in Beer


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Beer Review #7: Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA

Before we begin today, I wanted to note that I’ve updated my post about Blue Point Sour Cherry Imperial Stout. I got to have it again recently (it’s a seasonal beer) and have some more stuff to say about it!

Today’s beer is the illustrious Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA. Last time we discussed how much I love IPAs, so I’m pretty sure you can guess how I’m going to feel about this beer.

There’s actually an interesting story involved with this one. The first time I had it, there was a mix up and I had the 60 minute IPA instead of the 90 minute IPA. This was after Joe and Luis, a couple of friends of mine, had raved for months about how excellent Dogfish Head Brewery’s beers were. So I grab my glass, thinking it’s 90 minute when it’s really 60 minute and I take a sip.

I had fury.

This was an IPA?! This was one of the best breweries around? Shenanigans! This was swill! Trash! Basura! I did not care for it one bit. I would not drink it with a fox, I would not drink it in a box. I would not drink it with a mouse, I would not drink it in a house. I do not like it, Luis and Joe. 60 minute completely blows!

Because of this experience I swore off Dogfish Head for quite a while. After some time had passed I was prevailed upon to try it again by my Dogfish Head loving friends. Adam (best bartender ever!) assured me that 90 was really good and 60 was not so good. We speculated that there may have been a mix up at the bar I tried it at before, so I gave it another shot here. I’m really glad I did because Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA is an excellent IPA. I don’t think anything will dethrone Sierra Nevada for me, but this is the next best thing, as far as I’m concerned.

It’s classed as an Imperial IPA and that sounds very fancy. I should probably look that up one day to see how that’s different from the regular people IPA that I’m used to. 90 minute is hoppy, even for an IPA, so if that’s not your thing, you’re gonna have a bad time. Its slightly malty, but not overly so. The hops are really front and center here and Dogfish Head must be using some really quality stuff because every glass I have is flawless. I can’t praise it highly enough. It is a bit strong, so be prepared for that.

9% ABV


Posted by on January 12, 2013 in Beer


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Beer Review #6: 21st Amendment Brew Free or Die

The holidays are over and its time for me to stop being a lazy asshole. After almost a month of sloth, stuffing my face with holiday treats, and wild parties (maybe not that last part) I’m getting down to business with a delightfully patriotic beer, 21st Amendment Brew Free or Die!

The website has a pretty great description of it, even using some scale I’ve never heard of to describe how bitter it is. It’s 7. It’s 7 bitterness units. Whatever that means. Silliness aside, it’s an IPA and you know how I love me some IPAs!

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Posted by on January 11, 2013 in Beer


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Beer Review #5: Brooklyn Blast

A quick one today because today’s beer is nothing special. From the menu: “Grapefruit & other sweet fruits, caramel malts.”

It’s a pretty decent IPA, but that’s about it. It’s not really remarkable in any way, and I gotta say that I don’t know what they’re talking about with all this fruit nonsense. It’s better than a typical house beer and most other generic types or major brands. The price, like the taste, is inoffensive so that’s a plus. Not really much more to say here.

7% ABV

Brooklyn Blast
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Posted by on December 13, 2012 in Beer


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Beer Review #4: Goose Island Pere Jacques

From the beer menu: “Belgian yeast, fig & dark fruits.”

I’m pretty sure the description here is wrong. I’m pretty sure it should read “Black magic and fairy dust brewed using ancient hoodoo practices, combine to form a tasteful bouquet that will blow your mind.” That more accurately sums up what this beer tastes like. I don’t know anything about figs or what they’d classify as “dark fruits” and I don’t care. This has to be one of the best beers I’ve ever had. It’s the beer that started my love affair with the Goose Island brewery. Most of what I’ve had from them has been very good, and this is among the premier beers they make, at least in my opinion. It’s dark, has a hint of sweetness, and goes down super smooth. While it’s stronger than your average beer, it’s not so strong that you can’t have a few and have trouble standing up. I highly recommend it!

8% ABV

Goose Island Pere Jacques
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Posted by on December 12, 2012 in Beer


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Beer Review #3: Angry Orchard Hard Cider – Crisp Apple

From the Angry Orchard website: “A crisp and refreshing cider, its fresh apple aroma and slightly sweet, ripe apple flavor make it hard to resist.”

I’ve had more of these than I can count! This is the 2nd best cider I’ve ever had. Its not terribly strong, but its amazingly flavorful and has a wonderful golden color. The Crisp Apple is, as the name implies, quite crisp. It has a clean, sweet (but not overly so) flavor that finishes smooth as a baby’s ass. (On a side note, why are babies asses the standard measure of smoothness? Something seems wrong about that.) Crisp Apple is used in some what I believe is called a beer cocktail. If I’ve watched the bartenders correctly, you add 1/4 of a pint of this to 3/4 of a pint of Harpoon Winter Warmer and you get an Apple Pie. This concoction is pretty much exactly like drinking a delicious apple pie and its one of my favorite winter beers/drinks. Even if you never get to try an Apple Pie (and if you get a chance, I strongly recommend you do!), this is a fantastic cider that’s not only great in the fall/winter, but is also available year round!

5% ABV

I’ll let this man have the final word:

Angry Orchard

Posted by on December 7, 2012 in Beer


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