Beer Review #2: Blue Point Sour Cherry Imperial Stout

A quick one today as sadly my notes on this were a bit on the light side. Also, the picture is annotated because of some shenanigans with Evernote, so sorry about that!

Blue Point’s rather lengthy description of the beer is located here.

I’ve had 2 of these so far and its pretty good! There’s not much cherry flavor in this beer, but it does have a pleasant cherry smell. The sour notes are light and the predominant flavor is the chocolate. If you’re a fan of stouts or beers made with chocolate, you’re going to enjoy this. It’s no Sam Adam Dark Chocolate Cherry (one of my favorite beers ever!) but its a very solid and enjoyable beer.

EDIT: I recently had an opportunity to have this again and I realized that I had the name slightly wrong. It’s Blue Point Sour Cherry Imperial Stout, not Blue Point Sour Cherry Dark Chocolate Stout. Since I just had it the other day, I’ve got some more thoughts on it to supplement my earlier lack of notes. The menu stated that this beer had “notes of coffee & sherry.” The coffee, sherry, and chocolate make an interesting and tasty blend, but they seemed to take a back seat to the sour cherry. That flavor was a lot stronger than I remember and the others took a definite back seat. Seeing as how they brew this for Valentine’s Day, I wonder if there are slight differences between batches because last time this beer didn’t seem to have too much of a cherry flavor. Or maybe my palette has just gotten SUPER REFINED because I’m awesome like that. It’s definitely good, and I think actually I prefer it with a stronger cherry taste. I liked how light on the tongue this beer was, not like a lot of other dark beers which feel heavy or viscous. Highly recommended!

9.2% ABV

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Posted by on December 6, 2012 in Beer


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Beer Review #1: Founder’s Dirty Bastard

In the past year or so, I have had 87 different varieties of beer (no exaggeration!) just at this one bar I frequent (Croxley’s Ale House in Farmingdale, NY) that is known for its absurd selection. I’ve had many a new beer at various friends’ houses, other bars, and stuff I’ve found at the local supermarket/beer distributor/stolen from a homeless. It lately occurs to me that I have quite a large amount of content that I’ve written and photographed that’s pretty much ready to go for this site, and I’ve not posted any of it. Let’s rectify that, shall we? Starting right now, I’ll be posting a different beer I’ve tried almost daily, until I’ve caught up with all the backlog. Once that happens, look for the mini beer reviews to become a nearly weekly event as I am at the aforementioned bar nearly weekly. *coughIcanstopanytimeIwantoIjustdon’twanttocough*

Starting things off, here is Founder’s Dirty Bastard!

From the Founders website: “So good it’s almost wrong. Dark ruby in color and brewed with seven varieties of imported malts. Complex in finish, with hints of smoke and peat, paired with a malty richness and a right hook of hop power to give it the bad attitude that a beer named Dirty Bastard has to live up to. Ain’t for the wee lads.”

(I enjoy adding the description from either the beer menu, the bottle itself, or the brewery website because they make the beer sound like a perfectly crafted work of art. I feel like I should have a flavor orgasm in my mouth. This… does not often happen and I usually note when the given description is way off the mark.)

ABV: 8.5%

My thoughts:This is a darker beer that has an almost sweet flavor to it. Maybe its the smoke and peat, but it seems to me like a hint of molasses, similar to Grimbergen, along with some bitterness that I can’t identify. It’s pretty good, although I think the first time I tried it, I wasn’t a fan. I found that it went really well with very spicy wings as that almost sweet flavor cooled my mouth off nicely. Don’t have it with barbecue wings or other strongly sweet foods as that will completely ruin the taste of both the beer and the food! I usually avoid sweet foods with beer anyway, since it usually makes the beer taste odd, but its worth mentioning here because the effect is not only very pronounced, but also seemed to work in reverse and make the food taste bad.

Rating: 3.5/5

Number of times I’ve had it: 2

Croxley’s Ale House
Farmingdale, NY

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Posted by on December 5, 2012 in Beer


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Please Stand By…

No, this isn’t some April Fool’s joke.  Some Albanian retard hacked my site and took the whole thing down.  However, with the help of my web host’s support team, I’ve been working to bring it back up.  They were able to give me some pointers and point me in the right direction to get up and running again, so a big thanks to them.  It looks like I’ve recovered my content and now I just need to restore my theme.  This will do while I continue my work.  Hope you like bananas.

Update #1:  So I’ve got the bulk of my theme up.  I just need to rearrange and tweak a few things.  No more bananas!

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Posted by on April 1, 2012 in Nuts (and Bolts)



WordPress upgrade for Ask the Fatty

Since the My Twisted Mind upgrade went so well, I’m going to try it here. I’m also going to turn on auto-update for WordPress AND Gallery on both sites and hope for the best. I’m feeling reckless, but I don’t care! I live on the edge, baby. THE EDGE! Here goes nothing!

(Cross posted to My Twisted Mind.)

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Posted by on June 18, 2010 in Nuts (and Bolts)



My Twisted Mind Update

It’s become something of a tradition that I make a quick post before trying to update WordPress since each update seems to break WordPress badly enough that Dreamhost support has to fix it each time. Hopefully that won’t happen this time, but who knows. Just in case, here’s my heads up that I’m updating. I hope this goes out over the RSS feeds in time, and I’ll be cross posting this to just in case. Luckily I can keep typing up my World Cup posts on my Droid, save them locally, and then publish them all rather quickly once the site comes back up. But that’s disaster planning. The update will go fine. Really!

Really! :D


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Posted by on June 18, 2010 in Nuts (and Bolts)



World Cup Hiatus

Yeah… so the World Cup? I’m gonna be watching that. A lot. Pretty much to the exclusion of all else. I wouldn’t expect any updates here until around July 12th or so. My regular blog will have daily updates with my impressions of each day’s games, but that’s pretty much going to be it for my online presence until the World Cup is over. See you in a month!

(Cross posted to both and

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Posted by on June 13, 2010 in Nuts (and Bolts)



Overdue Review #2: Waffles!

There’s something you should know before we begin this review. I hate mussels. Despise them. They taste like sand, but I suppose that’s to be expected from a filter feeder. I can’t stand them. If I could, I’d cut them so bad, they gonna wish I no cut them so bad.

Why is this important? Because the place we’re about to review has a specialty. And that specialty is mussels.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on May 31, 2010 in Restaurant Reviews


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An Ode to Eggs


Eggs are wonderful. Everyone likes eggs. There are many ways to have eggs. Scrambled, over easy, hard or soft boiled, deviled, or omelets, just to name a few. But there is one egg form that is superior to all others. This preparation of eggs is not only one of the most delicious way to eat eggs, but it also provides some entertainment value!

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Posted by on April 6, 2010 in Tasty Thoughts


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Overdue Review #1: Ninja Vanish!

I can’t tell you how difficult it was to bring you this review. In case my super subtle title has eluded you, I’ll be talking about the restaurant Ninja today, located in NYC. Briefly, I had a great time and the whole experience was quite enjoyable, but my review isn’t 100% glowing. This of course presents a problem. One must be… tactful when discussing something that may be perceived as a… possible minor imperfection when speaking about trained killers such as ninjas. You see, they are quick to anger and will kill without remorse. Somehow, the Ninjas in question found out about my first few drafts and they… expressed their displeasure. They showed me the error of my ways and I agreed to revise certain… more inflammatory sections. I hope this meets with their approval and they will stop breaking into my room at night and stabbing me. Without further ado, here is my belated review of Ninja:

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Posted by on March 21, 2010 in Restaurant Reviews


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Facebook integration!

Update: Either Facebook changed something or WordPress did or the plugin I was using did, but the Facebook integration no longer works and quite frankly I don’t care to fix it because Facebook is not my favorite thing. The commenting thing might work, but I’m not sure and don’t have time to test it. If it works for you, then great. If not, then that’s the way the cookie crumbles, I suppose.

Original post:
The rumors are untrue! I have not gone into a diabetic coma from too many Milky Way Caramel bars, nor did I spend any time in the hospital due to my ill advised attempt to combine the aforementioned candy bar with a 3 Musketeers. I’ll have you know that I already ate all my 3 Musketeers bars never had any of those to experiment with in the first place! Now that we’ve settled that, how about we move on to other things.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on February 8, 2010 in Nuts (and Bolts)


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