Tag Archives: CA

Beer Review #22: Firestone 805

Website description: A light, refreshing blonde ale crafted for the California lifestyle. Subtle malt sweetness is balanced by a touch of hops,creating a versatile beer with a clean finish.

ABV: 4.7%

My thoughts: WTF! The first really local beer I try and its this watery Bud wanna be? Son, I am disappoint. There’s no aroma to speak of. It’s a nice golden color and is pretty transparent, which while it looks nice, is sadly indicative of its lack of body. It doesn’t taste all that bad, but that’s because there’s not much to the flavor. To me the flavor is a lot like Budweiser, but its not as outright awful. It’s just not very good. I’ve had other great California beers before (including my all time favorite beer, Sierra Nevada!), so I was disappointed with how this turned out to taste. Alas! I’ll have to look to other breweries for my quality CA fix.

Number of times I’ve had it: 1

Rating: 2/5

Downtown Rookies Sports Bar & Grill
Visalia, CA

Firestone 805
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Posted by on February 2, 2016 in Beer


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Beer Review #21: Red Tail Ale

Website description: It is brewed in the traditional “old world” manner, using premium two-row malted barley, hops and our own special proprietary yeast strain. It is an amber ale with a rich complex refreshing flavor and a crisp dry finish.

ABV: 6%

My thoughts: It’s got a hell of a bite! Smells nice, slightly floral. For all of the hop overload at the end, the flavor is actually kind of mild. It’s a pretty good and fairly crisp beer, but if you can’t handle the bitterness of hops, this isn’t for you!

Number of times I’ve had it: 1

Rating: 3.5/5

Location: Toby’s Public House
Brooklyn, NY

Red Tail Ale
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Posted by on January 10, 2016 in Beer


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Beer Review #18: Lagunitas Censored

A post a day? Ha! More like a post a week, amirite? I really need to set an alarm or something so I remember to do this. ANYWAY! Today’s beer is Lagunitas Censored, from the fine people at Lagunitas!

Website description: Malty, Roasty, and Deceptively Smooth This Amber-esque ale gets more of a cocoa-toasty flavor from the use of chocolate malts.

ABV: 6.7%

My thoughts: This was my second beer here in Cali. It’s got a sweet and sour thing going on, which I really liked. Its not really a sour patch kid thing, but more of a sweet and sour chicken thing… if that makes sense. It tastes like it’s made with brown sugar or something similar (which I later learned was chocolate malts). I’m not sure what gives it the tart taste, but its a combo that works really well. I wish I’d taken a picture of it poured out in a glass, but I was too busy being a savage and drinking straight from the bottle. I’m definitely a fan.

Number of times I’ve had it: 2 (12 ounce bottles)

Rating: 4/5

Location: Store bought, drank at home

Lagunitas Censored
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Posted by on January 3, 2016 in Beer


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Beer Review #9: 2013 Anchor Christmas Ale

Update: Yeah, so this experiment in real time writing while drinking didn’t really go anywhere. I think I did this for maybe 2-3 weeks before calling it quits. Keeping notes in Evernote and fighting the WordPress app to update the website without posting enormous versions of the pictures and trying to actually hang out with my friends was just a bit too much to juggle at once.

Yes, yes, I know it’s been forever. Why has it been forever? I’m fucking lazy, that’s why! On with the show!

So I’ve decided that on Mondays I’m gonna update this shit real time as I drink these beers. Unfortunately, this Monday all the beers are repeats from last week, so my thoughts are all from last week, but you haven’t seen them so you wouldn’t know anyway!

Menu description: Robust malt & spice flavors, great winter ale.

ABV: 5.5%

My thoughts: This is a very good beer. Malty goodness, which is hilarious for me to say because I’m typically not a big fan of malt flavors, as regular readers would know. Assuming I even have regular readers anymore. Or had them in the first place. Uh, so anyway, this beer is dark as night and smells pretty good. It’s very smooth and easy to drink. Not too strong, so you can have several. Highly recommended.

This is my 2nd glass now, and it’s even better than the first. Christmas seasonal beers are my 2nd favorite type of beer, after fall seasonals. They’re just so full of warm and fuzzy goodness. I don’t know how such a thing is possible and able to be shoved into a bottle, but there it is.

Number of times I’ve had it: 3

Rating: 4/5

Croxley’s Ale House
Farmingdale, NY

2013 Anchor Christmas Ale
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Posted by on December 9, 2013 in Beer


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Beer Review #6: 21st Amendment Brew Free or Die

The holidays are over and its time for me to stop being a lazy asshole. After almost a month of sloth, stuffing my face with holiday treats, and wild parties (maybe not that last part) I’m getting down to business with a delightfully patriotic beer, 21st Amendment Brew Free or Die!

The website has a pretty great description of it, even using some scale I’ve never heard of to describe how bitter it is. It’s 7. It’s 7 bitterness units. Whatever that means. Silliness aside, it’s an IPA and you know how I love me some IPAs!

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by on January 11, 2013 in Beer


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